Disclosure: I receive monetary compensation from General Mills and SC Johnson in exchange of my endorsement of Box Tops For Education.
As sad as I am to say goodbye to summer, there’s always something so exciting about the start of school. The hint of autumn in the air, picking out the perfect first day outfit, the smell of new pencils… I love experiencing it all over again with Iris. Starting first grade this year, we feel like we learned a lot from kindergarten and now we’re pretty much old pros. For example, one of the things that we both got involved in last year is General Mills’ Box Tops for Education program. The principal and teachers really encourage the kids to collect Box Tops from various products to raise money for their school. It’s such an easy, fun way for the kids to get involved and learn the importance of giving back to their school and community.
We’ve started keeping a Ziploc® brand bag in our kitchen specifically for Box Tops. Iris gets excited when she spots a Box Top, cuts it out herself, and adds it to the bag. For every Box Top collected, her school receives ten cents which really does add up. In the principal’s newsletter, we’ve learned her school alone earns well over $1,000 every year from the program!
When it’s time, Iris proudly turns them in to her teacher, knowing that she’s helping give back to the school that gives her so much. By shopping at Sam’s Club, we stocked up on lunchbox and breakfast favorites which actually come with bonus Box Tops. Every year I’m learning how to do things just a little bit better, and every year Box Tops will be a part of that. Finding them at Sam’s Club is my new go-to way to help prepare for back to school and help the school that we love so much. So while maybe we’re not quite old pros just yet, I think we’re on our way.
For every 3 participating BTFE products purchased in a single transaction at Sam’s Club on or after 8/1/18, you can earn 100 Bonus Box Tops. To redeem offer, you will need to download the Box Tops Bonus App and scan your receipt with 3 participating BTFE products by 9/30/2018 or while supplies last. Maximum of $150,000 in Bonus Box Tops combined may be redeemed for Sam’s Club offer. Standard Data Rates May Apply. Learn more at www.SamsClub.com/BoxTops. Each box top is worth 10 cents to redeeming school when clipped from box tops products and sent to the redeeming school. Only BTFE registered schools can redeem box tops. Limit $20,000 per school per year for box tops redeemed through the clip program. See www.boxtopsforeducation.com for BTFE program details. © 2018 General Mills. All rights reserved.

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