Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Iris’ CVS Birthday Party

About a month ago I asked Iris what kind of theme she wanted for her fourth birthday party… Frozen, Hello Kitty, Star Wars, etc. Her answer? CVS. Yes, as in the second largest pharmacy chain, just behind Walgreens. If you follow me on Instagram you are probably well aware of her love for the store. What you might not know is why the heck our kid loves it so much. Let’s take a look back, shall we?

Here’s a video of Iris literally in tears, crying for her favorite store.

Iris loves CVS. Like, really loves it.

A video posted by Sarah Fortune (@sarahfortune) on

Here we are making her wildest dreams come true.

Making her wildest dreams come true.

A photo posted by Sarah Fortune (@sarahfortune) on

A good mail day for Iris Gill!

Iris had a good mail day. @riffrafffayetteville #CVS #kissforsix

A photo posted by Sarah Fortune (@sarahfortune) on

How to make Iris your best friend.

Mom away on a biz trip = strawberry milk from CVS and jacked up bangs. 💘

A photo posted by Sarah Fortune (@sarahfortune) on

Here’s a video of Iris in her happy place.

It's hard to say no when one quick stop makes her whole day. #watchIRIS

A video posted by Sarah Fortune (@sarahfortune) on

It all started nearly two years ago when construction began on our city’s very first CVS Pharmacy. The site happens to be directly on our path to Iris’ school, so we drive past the location at least twice a day. Being that she was only three when it opened, she watched the progress of the structure being built for nearly half of her life, so naturally it was a big deal when the store finally opened. When Iris first got to step inside the brand new CVS, she was not disappointed. She discovered all the snacks, drinks, toys, chap-stick, and band-aids that her little heart could ever desire.

The store has been open for nearly a year now and stopping in to pick up a sweet treat or a strawberry milk is at least a weekly occurrence for us. There are tears when we drive by and don’t stop, and there are cheers when we do. This girl’s love for CVS is pure and true – so loyal that I recently asked Iris where she’d rather go – CVS or Disneyworld. Her response? “CVS and Disneyworld.” Don’t you dare make a girl choose.

So when your kid puts CVS on the same level as Disneyworld, you embrace it. When they ask for a CVS birthday party, you throw it. One day it won’t be so simple to make her happy, so for now I take her to CVS when we have a few extra minutes to spare and try my best to make her birthday party special, as tricky as it may be (after all, there are no Pinterest boards for this, folks).

But when CVS headquarters heard about Iris’ party, they sent us tons of snacks, favors, and party supplies to celebrate. How cool is that? And when we told the local store manager about what kind of party we were having, he was so sweet to donate some CVS-brand water bottles to add to the goodie bags. Not to mention that her year was MADE when they flashed a big “Happy Birthday” message to Iris up on the big sign out front.

To celebrate CVS style, we gathered at our favorite local park with some of our favorite people. Here are a few photos from our day.

Party prep!

Birthday Girl

Best thing ever.

Party time!

Gotta keep the adults entertained.

Don’t worry. These were Tic Tac favors for the grown-ups only!

Gold Emblem™ snacks (a CVS exclusive) sent directly from their headquarters!

Goodie bags!

A big thank you to all of our friends who celebrated and happily played along (apparently so many people bought her a birthday gift from our local CVS that all the employees knew about the party). And thank you to CVS who helped make Iris’ fourth birthday so special. By the way, this is in no way sponsored by CVS. Just 100% true love.


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  • Jessica October 16, 2015 @ 6:38 pm

    As a 20 year old who also shares a passion for drug stores I am pretty jealous of this shindig! Haha the party looks phenomenal you did an amazing job! And I just wanted to say your Instagram puts a smile on my face on the daily iris is just too hilarious😄

  • Bev Weidner October 16, 2015 @ 8:21 pm

    You win at life. And motherhood. And life. 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

  • Laura Hobbs October 17, 2015 @ 8:57 am

    Amazing, Sarah. Just amazing. <3

  • Nicolette October 17, 2015 @ 9:32 am

    Well this is the cutest

  • Lindsay October 17, 2015 @ 9:01 pm

    This is so creative! And awesome. You did a great job! I agree with Bev, you win at life!

  • Molly October 19, 2015 @ 11:41 am

    I read the article about this from Buzzfeed! I thought it was so super cute and I had to come over to your blog to read more. This was such an awesome concept and you’re such an awesome mom!

  • Irene October 19, 2015 @ 2:51 pm

    Seriously obsessed!! You are a great mommy and your girl is gorgeous!!

  • Andi October 20, 2015 @ 12:59 am

    You are so adorable, and I just love your passion for CVS! My husband works for the CVS warehouse :)looks like you had an awesome birthday. Woo Hoo for CVS!!!

  • Melissa October 20, 2015 @ 3:23 am

    Hi Sarah,
    Can we use these pictures and your story about Iris’ birthday on the news this morning, on Fox 61, in Hartford, CT? Thank you!!

  • Adam October 20, 2015 @ 8:47 am

    You got this dude to tear up. Cheers to you as a mom and cheers to Iris!

  • Kim Overly October 20, 2015 @ 8:58 am

    I guess her first high school job will be at CVS and she will go to college to become a CVS pharmacist! Can’t wait for the CVS homecoming and prom dresses and the CVS Wedding!
    Happy Birthday!

  • Allison October 20, 2015 @ 9:24 am

    As an employee of CVS’s corporate offices, it brightened my day when I opened up our intranet and saw this story! Thanks to you and Iris for putting a smile on my face today :) Cheers to her for being so incredibly unique and cheers to you for being an awesome (and ridiculously creative) mom.

  • Brian October 20, 2015 @ 11:31 am

    What a cool mom! Happy birthday Iris! :)

  • Yvonne October 20, 2015 @ 11:43 am

    Awesome!! Such a cutie and I totally get Iris’ love for CVS. Pharmacy stores are all magical and have some amazing things 😉

  • Kate October 20, 2015 @ 2:01 pm

    Absolutely awesome that CVS was so supportive. That’s a 1 of a kind party and I’m happy they helped! Happy birthday, Iris!

  • Jacqueline October 20, 2015 @ 2:23 pm

    Cute girl…however the pill bottle with tic-tacs in it in my OPINION is way off base. Did you think about kids picking up their parents’ medications and thinking that they were TicTacs? Obviously not…..I think this was a big LACK of judgement on your part as a parent.

  • Thomas October 20, 2015 @ 2:47 pm

    I share the great appreciation for CVS; I have written the corporate office to say what a great job my local employees are doing here in San Francisco California. And yes, you are an awesome mother, you should be very pleased with yourself, very pleased. I am of the opinion that nothing is more important than being a good parent; you are making the world a better place.

    Thank you

  • Aaron October 20, 2015 @ 4:01 pm

    Adorable story! I can relate, as I have a five year old daughter who loves Walgreens. Blessings to you and your family!

  • Julie October 20, 2015 @ 5:03 pm

    Love it! As a mom who has sent overboard to make sure the child has the party to remember I know how this feels! So happy you pulled this off! I was the mom always doing theme parties at schools and bringing in donated items from stores and restaurants! Keep up the awesome Momtacular job!

  • Michael October 21, 2015 @ 6:59 am

    Please let Jaqueline know that the pill bottles were for adults ONLY.
    She had to be a hater, every group has one.
    She thought you used poor judgment with the pill bottles being included.
    Parents should keep meds OUT OF CHILDRENS REACH.
    I think you did great!

  • bryguy74@gmail.com October 21, 2015 @ 8:09 am

    Am I the only one missing the Kanye West–CVS connection?

  • Tracy October 23, 2015 @ 2:29 am

    Hi, I saw this story about cvs from a link shared on Facebook by Britney Spears so I looked up your blog. I think you done so well with the cvs themed party! I understand why your daughter loves it. Whenever we visit the U.S.A we always go to cvs, I love it too. They sell everything I wish we had them here in the UK 😃 I’ve always found the staff to be super helpful too especially when we last visited nyc and my husband got sick. So glad your daughter enjoyed her party and well done 😃

  • alisha October 24, 2015 @ 1:32 pm

    You did an awesome thing honoring your daughter’s desire. Would love to know the Kanye connection!

  • Robert Rosenthal October 26, 2015 @ 4:21 am

    The party looks like it was a blast. As someone whose father worked for CVS his entire career, I commend your daughter on her excellent taste in drugstores. God bless four year olds and their obsessions.

  • Dee @ The Kitchen Snob October 26, 2015 @ 6:06 pm

    I love this story. This is so cute and creative. I love all of your party favors and personal touches! I may do have a DSW themed party!

  • Sarah November 6, 2015 @ 11:05 am

    This is amazing! You did a great job, Sarah!!
    Happy Birthday, Iris 🎂

  • Erica November 23, 2015 @ 10:33 pm

    This is amazing! We also have an Iris G (Grace), who celebrated her second birthday. Found your amazing party while searching for Iris parties.

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