If you are the rounding kind, I am now officially closer to 40 than 30. Last week was my semi-big 3-5 birthday. It’s different having a birthday once you have a kid, especially when their birthday is just a week after yours. The contrast between the kid’s excitement to your own makes turning older even more of a let down. I remember how magical birthdays were as a child, but instead of getting depressed about turning another year older, now I just tend to go a little overboard in celebration of Iris.
For me, 35 is putting on comfy pants any time I walk in the door. It’s drinking wine instead of beer… even though I love beer. It’s pouring a glass as soon as the workday is done. It’s also dinner at six and bed by nine. It’s trashy TV shows and not knowing when you last read a book. It’s meal planning and cooking, with somehow not minding it. It’s still caring about what I look like, but not having enough time to do anything about it. It’s “sleeping in” until seven AM. It’s taking care of everyone else before myself. It’s about balancing adventure with responsibility the best I can.
35 is not caring that your birthday is just like any other day. With the night spent giving your kid a bath… In your comfy pants, with that glass of wine and a dirty mirror. It’s about being old enough to know that one day you’ll look back and sincerely miss these nights the most. And young enough to wonder about the adventures that are still in store.
Love this! All so true. Happy Birthday!
Hmmmm… I hit the big FOUR-OH this past June, and my daughter turns two in six days. Since I never thought I’d get to be a mommy, every day with her feels like my birthday. Yes, even when we are experiencing the harder parts of toddler-hood. LOL
So here’s what my 4-0 looks like:
Comfy pants – definitely!
I still drink beer…often
Bed (on a mattress on her bedroom floor) by 8 pm, since she has serious sleep issues (sigh)… but this means that I’ve read several books, via e-reader, while lying on a mattress on her floor. And, I’m WAY WAY SERIOUSLY behind on my favorite shows. LOL
It’s trying to figure out how to do it all or be the mom with a plan, when you work a full-time job with a 45 minute one-way commute, are self-employed at home, manage a farm with your husband, and getting ready to go back to college (online) to finish your degree. Why, yes, I HAVE lost my mind! LOL
I found your Instagram and blog via PopSugar. It seems we have some things in common, so I’m now a follower. I post The Daily CJ (which is a much-anticipated Facebook and Instagram daily photo of my daughter). My neglected blog (see above description of my life) is an outlet for my nature photography.
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