Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Elementary Talent Show!

So apparently every year, Iris’ elementary school puts on a Talent Show. As a kindergartner, I did not expect Iris to volunteer a talent. Don’t get me wrong, I think my kid is the best thing that has ever been put on this planet, but what would her talent even be? Watching YouTube? Singing a made up song? Eating candy?

“I’ll count to 100,” Iris told me.
“Hmmm. I’m pretty sure every kid there can do that,” I responded.
“Then I’ll tell jokes,” she quickly replied.

And that was that. Todd and I thought about discouraging her. Maybe we can gently suggest that she watch this year just to see how it works. Nope. She didn’t go for it. Not wanting to kill whatever comedian was living inside of her, we helped her prepare for the audition. Yes, they actually have to audition, which is quite genius really because I’m pretty sure that’s where they weed out the ones that will be too nervous on the big day (because everyone that auditions gets in).

So Iris did her thing and, a few weeks later, it was show time! It didn’t start until 1:00 pm, so all morning I nervously sat at my desk, wishing time would move faster. When I got to the school, I saw Iris and could tell instantly that I was definitely more anxious than she was. Iris was cool as a cucumber. She was also number three in the line-up (out of 27 acts!), so thankfully we didn’t have to wait long. When the sweet emcee announced her name, I instantly became even more nervous because she accidentally read her name as “Iris GRILLS!” Holding my breath, hoping that didn’t throw Iris off her game, she walked out onto the stage. And here is how it went….

Look how good she did! A bigger, braver girl than I ever was at that age (and maybe even now). I am so beyond proud of her – what a way to end her kindergarten year! By the way, a girl actually did get up there and sing what I think was completely made up song on the spot. It was one of my favorites. Besides Iris of course.

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