As crazy as it is to type, Iris had her SEVENTH birthday party this October! She decided that she wanted to have another year celebrating with a big party at our house, so that’s exactly what we did. I discovered that for $150 a shaved ice truck would come to your house, so once that was booked our theme was set. A Hawaiian luau in October! We’ve lucked out with the most perfect weather every year for her birthday (October birthdays are truly magical for this very reason), but the forecast called for cold rain on the afternoon of her party (not the most ideal setting for an outdoor luau with a frozen ice truck as the main attraction). Somehow, the birthday gods came through for another year – the clouds literally parted, the sun shone, the temperature sat perfectly in the lower 70s. And I kid you not, as soon as the last guest left, the clouds pulled back together, the temperatures suddenly dropped, and we felt the first raindrops of the day. With lucky number seven we were treated to a magical birthday once again.

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