Well, hello… and Goodbye.
Actually, it’s not goodbye. It’s see ya later! Or see you soon? Anyway, it hit me today how much travel I have coming up in such a short of time (#SarahFortuneTravels, indeed). Some is for work, most is for fun, but ALL of them are destinations I have either always wanted to visit or always wanted to visit again.
Here’s my travel list for the rest of the year:
Los Angeles (West Hollywood, specifically) – I’m going with a group of gal pals who love all things Bravo, so we’re basically going to set up shop and eat Goat Cheese Balls at SUR for THREE. DAYS. STRAIGHT.
Washington D.C. – This is a work trip, but I lived there for a couple years back in my 20s and love going back. It’s one of my most favorite places in the world.
New York City – This a recent addition (as in, today), courtesy of my mom. She called me the other day and asked if I wanted to go to NYC. Uh, duh! She’s taking me to see Hadestown. It’s just going to be over a long weekend, but now that we have some affordable (and direct!) flights to NYC, a spontaneous trip like this isn’t all that crazy.
Another CRUISE! – Can you believe it? Iris and I loved it last time, so we’re doing it again. And yes, you read that right. Todd will be sitting this one out (he’s a one and done type of cruise dude), but Iris and I are excited to visit the Bahamas for the first time. We’ll spend a day at the Atlantis resort where I’ve booked us an excursion to swim with the dolphins – basically a dream come true for a mermaid loving seven-year-old.
Last but not least… MAUI! – This has been #1 on my list since I went almost ten years ago. When I went then, it was for work and I went all by myself. I’ve wanted to go back with my family ever since, but it’s so expensive from our little airport (try $1,000 per person for airfare alone) that I didn’t know if the day would come. However, thanks to some good ol’ fashion saving and a lot of help from airline points, we’re headed back to my favorite island.
After all of that, I think I’ll take it easy… Until next year.
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