My oh my where does the time go?
(My theory is into Iris’ chunky thighs.)
Baby girl is getting bigger by the minute and now that she is officially six months old, I feel like she’s turning into a little girl, rather than my dreamy little baby.
Here a few things Iris has been up to lately.
+ Rolling and rolling everywhere she wants to go. She tries to crawl, but only manages to scoot a little backwards (pretty frustrating for her).
+ She throws her arm up and down to wave “hi”.
+ Iris is eating like a champ! Besides bottles, she eats a fruit with oatmeal in the morning, a veggie in the afternoon, and we’ve started introducing her to fun snacks too. I never knew watching a baby try to put a little puff to her mouth would be so entertaining.
+ She weighs 18.7 pounds and is 27 inches long (still in the 90+ percentile for everything).
+ The amount smiles and laughter that come out of this girl is unreal. She really is such a happy baby. Of course, we have our share of the grumps too.
+ At six months she FINALLY started sleeping through the night. She was still waking up one to three times a night to eat, but after reassurance from our doctor, we finally decided it was time for her to give up all nighttime feedings. Even though I was hesitant, we tried the Cry It Out Method (which actually involved a lot less crying than I anticipated). She now sleeps between 10 to 12 hours straight every night. Halle-frickin-lujah.
+ Iris had her first overnight at Grandma’s house. My mom watched her while Todd and I had our first night out in well over a year. Note that this was BEFORE she slept through the night. Sorry, Mom.
+ She’s at the age now where it’s fun and pretty easy to bring her places. She goes from silly Iris, to serious Iris taking in all the sights and sounds (very quiet and very observant).
+ Overall, she is so sweet and so much fun. All I ever want to do is hang out with her, so blogging has definitely taken a backseat (as you can see).
Here are some of my favorite recent Instagram photos:

Iris with Ryan Mallet
We saw him at a restaurant & Tweeted to him. He wrote right back and said to bring Iris over to his table!