Eeeep! I can’t believe that tomorrow I will be 38 weeks exactly. But let’s not skip ahead of ourselves. Here’s how week 37 went…
After a very busy last week, I decided that I just needed to take it easy from here on out. So that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. This weekend I got into my pajamas before 5 o’clock on Friday and only got out of them once to go to the grocery. I am still working full time and intend to do so up until the bitter end. Each day I don’t take off now, is a day that I can have off with Iris once she’s here.
The one bit of excitement I did have this week was today’s trip to the doctor. While the doc guessed I was maybe about 40 to 50 percent effaced, there’s still no dilation. This didn’t really surprise me considering last week’s appointment and the fact that nothing really feels any different. The good news is that the baby’s head is very low, so she does expect me to have some slight progress by next week. At the same time, she also expects that I will make it to my due date. She wants to see me next week on October 6th (my birthday!) and it looks like that’s when we’ll officially set a date to be induced, unless of course she decides to come on her own before then. But Todd, myself, and the doctor looked at the calendar and it looks like Friday, October 14th might be the day! The doctor is actually giving us the option to induce as early as the 6th, but I feel like I should at least give my baby the chance to get past her due date. And who knows, I’ve heard stories about just setting the date helps to get labor going.
Till next week… or sooner!