With about six more weeks to go, the nursery is done! Well, about as done as it’s going to be. I’m sure there are little things here and there that we’ll need, but it feels good to have the basics taken care of.
So here’s a little tour of our nursery, with my notes along the way…
● The room before. For a few years it was my Bittersweet Styles office (which I wisely painted light pink back in the day), but as you can see, its last purpose was to house all of our junk. It was bad. Really bad.

● But with a lot of organizing, some construction on the ceiling, and a little paint, we started the transformation to a nursery…

Tah-dah! Here she is…
● Vintage floral rocking arm-chair found on Craigslist.
● Vintage fabric pennants made by Kerri.
● I decided to forgo the traditional bedding. I actually have a matching set, but have it neatly packed away for when she’s older. I like the simplicity of it how it is now, plus infants aren’t supposed to sleep with anything but a flat sheet at first anyway.

● The three big pieces of nursery furniture are from Todd’s dad & step mom. It’s a ‘lifetime set’, so the crib turns into a toddler bed and then a full size bed, while the changing station dresser turns into a desk and bedside table. So thankful to have something so nice that Iris can use as she grows.
● Our wedding invitation is framed and hung over the tall dresser.
● Stuffed vintage Razorback for good measure.
● Pink & white poms I made from tissue paper.
● A bassinet that we’ll actually keep in our bedroom at first.
● Pink vintage lamp that once belonged to Todd’s mom.

● Gifts from friends & family in the dresser cubbies.
● The stack of blankets are all handmade. They’re so special that I’m working on a separate blog post just for them.

Changing station…
● The vintage cats are actually a night light that also belonged to Todd’s mom.
● We’re using the vintage Iris/Tennessee bowl that Erin gave us to hold all the booty cleaning supplies.

The crib…
● Filled with cuddly friends for now.
● Yes, that is a llama.
● And a Blabla bunny.

● Framed baby shower art from Jill, who designed the invitations.
● Diaper bag from Mini Boden & a couple favorite dresses.

Shelf treasures…
● Framed Skateland photo from my mom. I used to roller skate there in Memphis growing up & it has since burned down.
● Paper flowers made by me.
● Vintage Fisher Price toy found in Mississippi by Kerri.
● Vintage doll case I’ve had forever.
● The tiniest (and cutest) Hog hat ever.
● Little lambs I found in Berryville, Arkansas. As I bought them, I was asked for the first time when I was due.
● House made by Tim. The story is here.

Now for some of Iris’ loot…
● The best books from the best friends.

● Her heap of clothes (I should do a whole separate post on all of the adorable outfits she received at the shower). There’s one whole drawer dedicated to onesies. One dedicated to pajamas. One dedicated to outfits. And a closet just for dresses. My favorite part about these photos is that Todd is actually the one that did the baby laundry & arranged all of the drawers. Hee!

● Burp cloths & blankets.

● Bath drawer.

● Bibs, socks, hats, & bows.

● Storage bin/hamper.

● More shower gifts (!!!)

Sweet Sadie Pup decided to try out the nursery and see how she likes it.
Thankfully, it’s pup approved.
Now all we need is a real baby!