It was a (rare) lazy weekend,
but I still have a few photos
for this here little blog post.
Saturday was my dad’s birthday.
Amazingly funny and immensely lovable,
I’m so proud that he’s my papa.
And a whole lot of love.
That’s my dad ♥
and I hope he had a very
Happy Birthday!
I didn’t get to spend his big 6-0
with him, but my little sisters
made the most adorable cake.
This weekend I spent my time…
Buying creepies at an estate sale.
Buying pretties at the same estate sale.
Gettin my hair did.
Having cupcakes delivered to me in bed by Todd.
Sleepytime tea in my favorite mug.
Meeting up with pretty Remy.
Drinks and grilled cheeses with friends.
A walk to campus.
Where we chilled at the bar
in the historic Inn at Carnal Hall.
I’ve also been dog sitting
my friend GL‘s two Bichons.
She should have known better.
Check ya later.