Soo much has been going on lately. Let’s see…
FUN: Saw Lucero play on Friday (as you can clearly see from above since I took a million pictures of myself while there). Whenever or whereever I see them play, I still can’t help but think back to the shows at Barristers or the Hi-Tone. But what I really start thinking about, is that I wouldn’t be here in Fayetteville or engaged to Todd if it weren’t for that band. Kinda crazy..
WORK: Well, I put in my notice at the coffee shop. I’m probably not saying goodbye forever, as they have been kind enough to say that I’m welcome back whenever I feel the need for hours. Instead of slinging lattes, I’m going to pursue my eBay business full-time this summer. As excited as I am about the possibilities, I can’t help but be a little nervous too.
SCHOOL: With the semester almost over, I received THE best news in the world yesterday. I was sitting in my Mathematical Reasoning class yesterday, ready to start with my notebook and calculator out, when the professor walked in and told us that not only do we NOT have to take the final exam, but we all automatically get a 100 on it. Plus, we all get the 200 points that were possible for our homework grade, no matter if we did well or not. So, I put my calculator and notebook back into my bag, and unexpectedly walked out of math for the last time in my life!