So I’m about six months behind on posting an update of what Iris has been up to. The last time I updated, she was just starting to walk on the day she turned nine months old. Now at nearly 15 months, Iris is a full-on toddler. She’s not just walking – she’s running, climbing on things, and learning new words daily. Below are some random things that I want to make sure to document so that I’ll never forget them.
● Iris’ first legit word was “uh oh.” To this day, it’s still her favorite, most used word.
● She also knows a handful of people’s names. Right now she does: Dada, Mama, Bama (“bah bah”), Nana, Poppy (“pah pah”), and even tried Dustin a few times (“dus tahhh”).
● “Bah bah” also works for baby. “Mah” is more. “Tah” is cat. “Dah” is dog. “Buh buh” is bye bye. Her “Hi” is spot on. She’s to the stage now where she will try to repeat lots of different words. Her speaking skills are getting cuter by the day.
● At Montessori they use sign language. She signs mostly for more, please, and water.
● We let her try nearly everything, but she’s definitely a picky eater. Her favorite thing ever is pasta & cheese (can you blame her?). She also loves fruit – primarily bananas & the Cutie oranges. I always do a little cheer when I discover a vegetable that she likes, but then it seems like the next day she hates it. Currently in: Lima beans & corn. Out: Peas & kale.
● As you can tell from her belly, she LOVES to eat. She will let you know when she’s ready to eat by going to her highchair and trying to climb in. Like every hour.
● Iris likes to play outside, color and paint, go down the slide a million times, play peek-a-boo, and go “bye bye”.
● One of her favorite times of the day is when her daddy comes home from work. She squeals so loud he can hear it from outside.
● She’s still at the stage where she’s fascinated in the most average things around the house. This can be trouble when it’s a mug of the morning’s coffee and opening (and shutting) drawers on tiny fingers. We have to keep a close eye on her.
● Bath time is another favorite. She loves pouring water in and out of cups, but hates having her hair washed.
● Iris loves to laugh. It’s contagious too.
● At a year, she wears mostly 18 month clothes, but a lot of 24 months & 2T things as well.
● She has started evening out and is in the 60% percentile for height & weight, but still 90% for her head.
● She’s in the 700% for hair. (hah). And no I still haven’t cut it yet.
● Iris still goes to bed early (about 7 or 7:30 each night) and often asks to go to bed by going to her crib, pointing, and saying “mah” for more.
● Iris recently had to go to the emergency room AGAIN because she had Croupe. It was pretty scary for about 36 hours, but thankfully she’s just fine now.
● Iris was early to do almost everything, except get teeth. She now has four on the top and four on the bottom. She even has a little gap between her top front ones. I don’t know what’s cuter – that or the dimple on her chin.
Some recent photos…