Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Category : Baby Blog

Baby Blog: 3 & 4 months old

Can you see how busy this baby has kept me? I haven’t blogged in nearly two months. That’s half of Iris’ life!

Little Miss is now a whopping 17 weeks old. I seriously can’t believe the changes that have taken place in the last couple of months. Everyday she gets stronger, bigger, sweeter, and even louder. At her three month check up she weighed 14 pounds, 7 ounces and, after consulting my bathroom scale, I have a sneaking suspicion she’ll be around 16 and a half pounds at her four month visit on Valentine’s Day. Iris has been “talking” up a storm quite a bit. It’s so loud that you can’t hear anything over it. I’m interested to see if that translates to a talkative kid. Todd and I were both very shy when we were younger, so it would be funny if we end up with a chatterbox on our hands.

Probably the biggest thing that has happened since my last blog post is that Iris started daycare. She seems to be handling it just fine – it was me that had the hardest time with it. In fact, they tell me almost every day how happy she always is. Thankfully, it’s just down the street from my office, so I usually check in on her on my lunch hour. It’s a “learning center” so they have already started working with her to improve things like her strength and hand-eye coordination. She really is growing up fast – she grabs toys and her toes, can put lots of pressure on her leggies, laughs quite a bit, and is getting closer to sitting up by herself. One of the best things that has happened in the last month is that we are now on a real schedule, which is mostly important for our sleep (and sanity). Iris now sleeps in her crib from 7 pm to 7 am, waking only twice to eat. Not too shabby!

I have tons of photos that I still need to edit from my digital camera, but for now, here are some of my favorite Instagram shots. (And I promise to update more often).

Big smile. Big hair.


I didn't know it was possible to love something so much.

I bundled her up to take her outside. Then I realized it was 60 degrees.

Her 70s velour, Saturday morning lounge wear.

How am I spending NYE? Champagne pool party.

Okay, I'm in. #janphotoaday

Iris seems to be feeling ok.... just in time to start daycare tomorrow.

Whoever smelt it dealt it.

Crazy hair, crazy face.

Oh good heavens.

@jtoddgill and baby girl.

1950s suspender set. so ridiculous.

Picking her up after work is my favorite part of the day.

Nap time. Hoping she's liking her crib okay because she's about outgrown her bassinet.

#happiness is a baby fresh out of the bath. #janphotoaday

Baby party! @ginrunner

Good #morning. #janphotoaday

This little girl is getting loud. She's been "talking" all dang day.

Annnd we're up.


Bath time with Bama.

matchy matchy


Pumped about our afternoon walk.

They're buds too.

Baby girl in #nature. Today's weather was in the 60s! #janphotoaday


Girl built for trouble from Arkansas

Love how happy she is when I pick her up from daycare every afternoon.

Saturday singalong.

Going to Grandma's for the afternoon

This is a baby that now fits a size 3 diaper.

We had a rough night so these two little #buttons from Iris' afternoon outfit will have to do. #febphotoaday

Mee love.

I thought we were making silly faces. Turns out she was just making me look silly.

my sweet little thing.

Mornin y'all.

My very own, real life gnome.

Baby Blog: 2 months old

Well, what do ya know.
I have a two month old on my hands!

Ms. Iris Adella…
● Is extra smiley in the morning, but not so much after naps.
● Has a bedtime routine which includes a bath (she’s quite the splasher) and story time (Night-Night Little Pookie is on repeat these days).
● Has been sleeping five hour stretches some nights.
● And has zombies for parents.
● While she’s been cooing a bit here and there, on her 8 week birthday she woke up a little chatterbox, making all sorts of sweet sounds.
● Miss Independent. Iris doesn’t always like being held. While she puts up with it, she makes it known that she’d rather be laying beside you rather than in your arms. It makes it a bit easier to do things around the house, but sometimes a momma just wants to cuddle.
● Her hair still hasn’t fallen out (I’m crossing my fingers that it’s here to stay). It’s growing fast and growing in lighter.
● She had her first Thanksgiving, in Tulsa with family.
● She didn’t care for tummy time until just this past Friday when she learned to roll over! She did it like six times in a row, so I was able to capture it on video.

Here are my Instagram photos from the last month or so…

Her first Christmas tree

A special something under the tree.

Morning faces.

Somebody woke up & discovered how fun it is to squeal. My little chatterbox.

All smiles this morning.

All packed up.


Not a fan of the creepy Christmas dogs at my office.

Not a fan.

These are taken 7 weeks apart. Crazy.

What a difference 7 weeks makes. #flashbackfriday

Post bath curls & pout.

Post bath curls & pout.

Dad, Iris, & guitar.


Unlike her mom, she looks good in hats.

1950s sweater, cap... and booties too!

Lookin good & stayin warm thanks to @bevcooks & @theadguise

Her first (light) snow!

First snow of the season!

Mom takes a lot of these.

Seven weeks old.

7 weeks old.

Memphis represent!

Sunday. Memphis style.

Hiccup face.

Hiccup face.

Grumpy face.


My little doll.

Happy Friday!

Kittens and bows.

You know you're in love when you don't give a crap about the secret Girl Talk show tomorrow.

Creepy cat.

Oh hey, creepy cat.

6 and a half weeks.

Stacy made Iris a hat & blanket.

Thank you @stacyleerox for the sweet hat & blanket!

I loved it so much, she made me one too.

I loved Iris' hat so much that @stacyleerox made me a matching one!

Our not-so-successful attempt at a matching hats pic.

Our not-so-successful attempt at a matching hats pic.

Holy bed head.

holy bed head.

This hair has a mind of its own.

Twilight hair. It's getting serious.

Cute booty.

6 weeks old & tummy time in her 6 month pants.

Iris meeting Bev.

Iris meeting @bevcooks

Watching the game with Cousin Cole.

Woo Pig Cousins!

First road trip.

First road trip.

First Thanksgiving, with Poppy.

First Thanksgiving.

Too much turkey.

Too much turkey.

Damn straight. (six weeks)

Damn straight.

Scrap booking.

Let the scrap booking begin! (love me some @postalpix)

Curly hair.

Loving Iris' @thiefandbandit headband

Lazy Sunday morning.

Lazy Sunday morning.

Christmas time is near...

Outing to Lights of the Ozarks.

Her first Lights of the Ozarks.

Dressed by Daddy.

Daddy dressed me today. #WPS

Big cat, little lady.

Big cat, little baby.

Sleep stealer.

This little devil did not sleep for anything yesterday.

One month old with Mom (and her awesome sweatshirt)

Rainy day unicorn sweatshirt & a big ol' baby that will not nap.

My oh my, how fast that month went by!

Pregnancy Blog: The birth

While it’s still fresh in my mind (and while the little one is sleeping), I thought I’d share the story of Iris’ birth. My last pregnancy blog post was all about how I was just two days shy of my due date and still no signs of labor. We had another appointment on October 13th (one day after Iris’ October 12th deadline) and still – nothing. I hadn’t dilated or progressed any since one week earlier. Since I was over my due date, the doc hooked me up to a machine to monitor the baby’s movement and heart rate. Only problem was, she didn’t like what she heard. She had us go upstairs to Labor and Delivery to be looked at a little more closely, but not before she explained that unless the baby started to move around more – they would have to deliver that day.

Even though I had wanted nothing more than to deliver that baby, this was not the way I wanted it to happen. I started crying, mostly at the thought that something could be wrong. However, as soon as I was hooked up to the fancy machine upstairs, Iris started dancing around like usual. We passed the test within 10 minutes. Apparently Iris had just been sleeping before. Phew!

We left the hospital feeling a little jolted, but with a choice to make. We could induce labor on Monday, October 17th or Thursday, October 20th. Even though the doctor “preferred” the earlier date, we thought long and hard and decided on the later option in hopes that my body would be more prepared for a natural delivery. If I could avoid a c-section, I would be happy (or so I thought).

The next morning was a Friday, so I called my doctor and made it official before the weekend – “October 20th, please!” It felt really bizarre to make that phone call. It was like placing a reservation for dinner, rather than a baby. Friday was a big day for another reason too. I was still working full time, despite being past my due date, and decided that it would be my last day at the office before I started maternity leave. I was feeling every day of being pregnant by that point, but little did I know I was also feeling the beginnings of labor too…

Despite how I was feeling, I didn’t rest after work that evening. I still wanted to do whatever I could to get my body progressed for labor. Todd and I met up with friends to eat hot wings (I stepped it up and got the spicy level of “Acid Rain”) and then made the long hike to Bud Walton Arena to watch the Razorback basketball team.

Apparently hot sauce and Mike Anderson were the winning combination.

At 5 o’clock the next morning I awoke to a strong abdominal pain, which I quickly realized wasn’t just a stomach ache. Wondering if this was what a contraction felt like, I moved from our bed to the couch as to not wake Todd. Timing the waves of pain with an iPhone app, I realized that these were indeed contractions and that they were instantly five minutes apart, lasting a full minute each. We had been told not to head to Labor and Delivery until the contractions were 5 to 8 minutes apart for at least two hours, so I laid there timing them until about 7:30 am. At that point I woke up Todd and told him we should probably head to the hospital. He had his doubts. I think my mistake was not waking him in the first place, so he had no idea how intense or frequent my pain had been. I had my doubts too. “Surely this is just the beginning of labor and we’ll be sent home, right?” I thought. I grabbed my bags just in case.

Thankfully we live about five minutes away from the hospital, but as soon as we walked through the doors of Labor & Delivery, I burst into tears. They immediately got me situated so that they could check to see how far I had progressed. The doctor on call informed me I was already dilated to a SIX and fully effaced! That’s a major jump for just two hours of contractions. In a way I felt relieved because the entire time I was thinking, if these are just the beginning contractions, I don’t want to know what the real deal feels like. “Well, you’re having a baby today,” the doctor said. Cue tears again. Then cue the freak out after I asked if I would have time for an epidural. Maybe, the nurse said. MAYBE?!

I had progressed so fast that they guessed we would have the baby by noon (and it was almost 9:00 am at that point). I had to get into a room and receive an IV before I could have an epidural. Thankfully the sweet angel nurses hurried me into my own suite and got me situated right away. About an hour later I met my new best friend, the anesthesiologist. I hadn’t thought much about it leading up to delivery and I’m not scared of needles, so getting the epidural was actually no big deal. The hardest part was staying still through contractions, but other than that it didn’t really hurt and I immediately felt the benefits. “How do you feel?” asked the nurse. Pretty good, I responded. “Okay, great because you just had a huge contraction.” I had no idea. I instantly felt better about what was ahead.

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

As great as I felt, the epidural ended up being one of the best and worst things for me. One of the issues was that it slowed down my labor, so they had to start me on Pitocin to increase the contractions. It still took a while. Noon came and went, but finally at around 5 o’clock I was fully dilated to a ten and ready to start pushing. Unfortunately, that’s where another issue with the epidural came into play. My fear was that maybe it wouldn’t work and I would still feel pain, but I had the opposite problem – it worked too well. I pushed for two full hours with little progression. I couldn’t feel a thing, which hindered me in being able to tell what was working and what wasn’t. After two long, very hard hours, they decided to let me rest for a while. During the entire labor my face had been burning up and my entire body wouldn’t stop shaking. I was told that both of these were completely normal, but still – none of it was pleasant. Waiting an hour, chewing on ice chips (I hadn’t eaten anything since the hot wings the night before) was dreadful, but I needed the rest. Because my face was so hot and red, they checked my temperature and I had a very slight fever, so they treated me with antibiotics and Tylenol. At the time, I didn’t realize the implications this would hold.

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

Finally, about an hour later the doctor came in and we started pushing again. I have a sneaking suspicion that they turned down my epidural without telling me because this time I could feel pressure, but thankfully still no pain. The difference was immediate. The doctor sat with me for the next 45 minutes as I worked the baby further down. I’m pretty sure I was just a few pushes away from them suggesting a c-section, but the doctor didn’t give up on me and at 9:12 pm Iris Adella Gill was born.

Iris Adella - The Birth

She came out crying and giving a high five, as the doctor called it. Her hand was up by her head, which was probably another reason I had so much trouble. And speaking of her head, everyone immediately started talking about all of the hair she had. I couldn’t believe it either (for all of you who have heard that lots of hair leads to lots of heartburn during pregnancy, I never had any). They immediately put her on my chest and I said hello to my sweet baby girl. I think I asked a million times if she was healthy. My mom and Todd had been in the room for the delivery and reassured me that she was as perfect as she could be.

Iris Adella - The Birth

They were right. All nine pounds and fourteen ounces of her. When the nurse read the weight out loud, I was shocked. I always thought she would be big, but I didn’t anticipate her being just shy of ten pounds and 21 1/4inches long. Once they got us both all cleaned up, I nursed her for the first time before the guests from the waiting room came in to meet her.

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

It wasn’t long before the nurses were back in the room, needing to take Iris to the nursery to get poked and prodded. Todd and I probably should have used that time to rest, but it was impossible. As exhausted as we were, the excitement that we actually had our very own little baby was just too much. They brought her back in, wrapped up tight like a burrito and we maybe got about half an hour of sleep that night. I kept checking on her, making sure she was breathing (I’ve been assured that this is a new mom thing and completely normal).

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

Iris Adella - The Birth

The morning came quick, as did the pediatrician to go over everything with us. Expecting to hear all good things (she was perfectly healthy after all), I was not prepared for what the doctor had to say. Because I had been treated for a fever during labor, they wanted to treat Iris too – for SIX days. They already started giving her antibiotics with an IV attached to her tiny little hand. Saddest thing ever. When I realized that I would most likely be discharged withOUT my baby, I lost it. There was no way I was leaving that hospital without her. I would camp out in the lobby if I had to.

Thankfully, it never came to that. Iris was able to see two other pediatricians who both agreed that there was no reason to treat her any further. Apparently if you have a fever during labor, it could be caused by a uterine infection, which could potentially be transmitted to the baby. I never had an infection and just barely had a fever. Three hours of pushing and a 10 pound baby will do that to ya. Turns out, the first pediatrician was brand new and known for being overly cautious. By the time Iris was cleared, she had to stay one extra night. I still had to check out of my room, but they let Todd and I stay in a parent-child room right next to the nursery. As grateful as we were to not have to sleep in the lobby, the room was a serious downgrade from my earlier suite. We’re pretty sure they cleaned out the nurses’ secret nap room for us. It was tiny, with one twin bed and only one small window, which looked into the nursery (where the lights are always on). They told us not to take Iris on one side of the room because it was too close to the exit and an alarm might sound. Too bad that was the side of the room with the BED. The bathroom was dirty, the lights didn’t work, and the television was unwatchable. But we got to be with our baby, so it was all worth it.

I have never wanted to go home so bad in my life and after three nights, we were finally able to do so. Since I had already been discharged, I didn’t get the traditional wheel chair ride to the car, which as silly as it was, I was a little bummed about. The ride home still seems like a very bumpy blur, as were the next few days. The recovery for me was a lot worse than the labor and delivery, but I had a beautiful, healthy baby that made any amount of discomfort seem like an afterthought.

Everything in our lives shifted. There’s life before Iris, and life as it is now. Sleep deprived, yes. But it’s true what they say – I never knew a love like this existed. It’s a love that, despite being so big already, continues to grow with each smile and each fart (we receive plenty of both). I literally just stare at her and wonder how I can love something so much.

Iris Adella, you may be tiny, but you are my world.

Iris Adella - The Birth

Giveaway: What to Expect book series

Update: December 6, 2012
Contest Closed. Congrats to Kim and Danielle for being the winners selected from random.org!

* * * * *

As soon as I found out I was having a baby, I rushed to the bookstore and purchased what I’ve always heard is “the only pregnancy book you’ll need.” I picked up my copy of What to Expect When Expecting on my lunch hour and read the first chapter sitting in my car in the bookstore parking lot… all while inhaling Chick-fil-a (I was pregnant after all).

Throughout my pregnancy I not only read the book, but was addicted to the What to Expect iPhone app (okay, I was addicted to that and milkshakes). I tracked my pregnancy daily and the forums were – and still are – great for connecting with other new moms. Thanks to What to Expect, I actually feel like I know what I’m doing every once in a while and now I’m happy to be able to pass that along to two of my readers.

The nice folks at What To Expect have teamed up with me to host a giveaway featuring their must-have books for any momma or momma to be. They make excellent gifts too, so even if you’ve got no plans to wipe poo off butts any time soon, feel free to enter for a friend.

Two lucky winners will receive the following three books:

What to Expect When Expecting
What to Expect the First Year
What to Expect the Second Year

How to enter:
Leave a comment telling me what part of pregnancy you have heard about or experienced that you did you not expect OR which book you are most excited about. Please make sure you include your email in the comment form.

Extra chances to win:
Mention the giveaway on Twitter up to three times per day (be sure to include @sarahfortune in your Tweet).

*Giveaway ends at 9:00 pm Central on Monday, December 5, 2011 and winners will be selected by Random.org*

I’ll leave you with this photo Todd snuck of me right after we found out the good news…

What to Expect

Baby Blog: One Month Old

This past Saturday Iris turned a whole MONTH old. I seriously can’t believe how fast the weeks are flying by.

At one month old, she often seems older than she really is. Maybe it’s the full helmet of hair. Maybe it’s her size. Maybe it’s that she’s already smiling a TON and lifting her head for long periods of time. She seems super strong and she’s always super hungry. Recently that’s come with some super fuss too. We aren’t very close to having a schedule yet, but I’ve been lucky to sleep for three to four hours straight at night fairly often.

I’m in the midst of writing about her birth, so that will come soon. But for now, let me share some photos from the past couple of weeks…

Here we are on her one month birthday.

Yep. Still in love.

Silly girl, silly dad.

Like father, like daughter.

We’ve been loving the autumn weather.

A rainy, autumn morning.

It’s perfect for snuggles.

Sadie Pup found a baby to snuggle with.

And kisses. Lots of them.

And so did I. #nevergettingoutofbed

I love that my life now includes finding tiny socks on the floor.

I love that my life now includes finding tiny socks on the floor.

Iris hated sponge baths, but now likes the real thing.

Bath time!

And our cat likes to help out.

The cat & the baby bath.

While Grandma likes to tuck in her pants like Steve Urkle.

Grandma likes to tuck my pants in like Steve Urkle.

She had her first nap in the crib (she sleeps in a bassinet in our room for now).

First nap in the crib. Drifted off listening to the Lucero album daddy played on.

She had visitors from out of town. Lots of them, with lots of love.

Iris & Stephanie.

Mani pedi time with @kerrisnead & @brandyduffett

I told you she likes to eat.

What a dumpling!

At three weeks she was already fitting into some of her three month clothes.

My 3 week old is already wearing 3 month old clothing.

Thank god she doesn’t mind playing dress up.

In her fancy dress & bonnet.

Look who's excited that @kerrisnead  & Brandy are visiting from Memphis today!

Hey good lookin.

She'll have to grow into it, but she loves her new shirt! (especially since Daddy designed it)

She met her new friend, Rosalyn.
And slept through the whole thing.

My BFF @ginrunner had Rosalyn two weeks after Iris was born. Yesterday they met for the first time! 

We often have story time with Goodnight Moon (my favorite from when I was little).

Never too young for a bowl full of mush.

And every night dad sings her songs.

Her first concert.

Dad's songs are the best songs.