Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Category : Life

Hello from the Wino

UPDATE: They are officially SOLD OUT! Wowza! Glad I’m not the only wino around here.

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Hiiii there. Yep, that’s me. Lover of an after-work cup of Cabernet. I don’t need anything fancy, in fact I’ve learned to really love my trusty Bota Box. So much so that a few weeks ago I subtly mentioned to Todd about how much I wish I had a cover for my boxed wine. It’s always sitting out on my kitchen counter, so instead of being ashamed – I just wanted to embrace it. Not long after my little “hint hint” Todd whipped me up this beauty.

Not only does my wine look more fabulous, but when we stroll over to a friend’s house, I can just grab it and throw it in our wagon. After several compliments, Todd decided to get craft and make just a few more. He has like twenty jobs and hobbies combined, so this is probably all that he will make (at least for a while). There are three boxed wine holders, all slightly different, up for grabs in my Etsy shop – Shop Sarah Fortune.

Here are the three that are available:

Take a look, scoop one up, and have a drink with me.

8 Things I Didn’t Know I’d Miss as a Mom

Before having a baby, you always hear things like “sleep while you can” or (the opposite) “have fun while you still can!” I expected the no-sleep thing and I expected the financial burden of daycare and diapers, but here are a few things that I didn’t expect to miss once I became a mom.

Driving Straight Home From Work
For years I took for granted the simple task of driving home after work. Now, my standard routine involves about an extra half hour (on a good day) of shuttling around in rush-hour traffic to pick Iris up from school. Before becoming a mom, I would get off work and have the luxury of driving straight home, to the gym, or even better – to a bar for happy hour. Fast forward to being a parent and now any extra stop means I don’t start cooking dinner until later than normal, meaning who knows when the food will be ready, meaning I have a cranky kid who will likely be up past her bedtime.

Not Having to Hide My Trash
I can’t throw away an old Happy Meal toy or stale cookie without Iris finding it in our garbage can. If there’s anything that we need to get rid of that Iris might be interested in, I have to hide it beneath the coffee grounds and banana peels. And don’t forget about the bathroom trash! You have to cover some things with toilet paper, otherwise who knows what awkward questions you’ll find yourself dodging.

Spicy food
I love spicy food. My child does not. She has been known to even call white rice spicy. I miss being able to pour in the cayenne pepper to our chili and buying the hot taco seasoning at the grocery store. Having a kid doesn’t always mean that I must forgo my spices, but it does mean that I often have to cook a second, different version for her. JUST what I have time for.

Eating Desserts Out in the Open
Iris eats her fair share of sweet stuff, but when it’s my turn for dessert she will still request to share. Iris can tell any time that I’ve eaten sweets without her. She can sniff out a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup on my breath hours later and has a way to find any candy wrapper that I’ve thrown out. I swear she must keep a spreadsheet of our dessert stock because she always knows when a cookie has disappeared. I can’t be the only mom who’s eaten ice cream in the bathroom, can I?

Peeing in Peace
It’s like there’s a sensor on my toilet seat that alerts Iris whenever I sit down. I’ve learned to the lock the door, but that doesn’t stop her from knocking (banging) and asking (yelling) questions through the door.

Want to fly somewhere on vacation? Sure, but that will cost you a whole extra plane ticket. We’re a small family, but anytime we consider flying anywhere I usually run the airfare, times it by three, and immediately change my mind. Road-trip, it is!

Eating Without Poop
What is it about sitting down to a meal that makes a kid have to poop? Even though she has been out of diapers for a couple years, we still sometimes have to assist Iris (especially in public restrooms). I didn’t know that it would be normal to eat piece of pizza, wipe a butt, and go back to eating pizza – after throughly washing my hands, of course. This one I should have known, but four years later and I’m still amazed at her timing.

My Thoughts
R.I.P. my stream of consciousness (1980-2011). Whether I’m at work or at home, it’s nearly impossible to think about something without being interrupted. For example, I have been jumped on, whined to, and begged for juice just while I’m writing this one little paragraph. I miss being able to really hold onto an idea and think it through.

As parents we often have to pause our thoughts, dreams, sleep, fun, pizza, and happy hours, but thankfully it’s all worth it about a million times over. We’re a part of something sweeter than the dessert we sneak in the bathroom and something more thrilling that flying through the clouds. Sure my food may come with more poop than flavor, but I have a feeling one day these will be the things that I miss.

Goodbye to 2015

Exactly one year ago I made my New Year’s resolution to get back to blogging at least once a week. And guess what? It’s the first and only resolution that I’ve actually kept – and I’m sure glad I did. Looking back, I have no major complaints about the last twelve months. In fact, 2015 has been pretty wonderful to me and my family. Even the downs had turn arounds. Here’s a look back at my favorite moments of 2015 and here’s to hoping 2016 is just as great, if not better.

+ We went on some pretty amazing trips. For work I went to Tucson, Dallas, and Detroit (where I even popped over to Canada for the first time). And we took family vacations to St. Louis, Rosemary Beach, Kansas City, Silver Dollar City, and a weekend of camping. I’m hoping 2016 takes us on even more travel adventures.

Hello, Detroit!

Good morning! 🌵

Rosemary Beach, FL


Exploring St. Louis 2015

+ Todd built Iris quite the playhouse.


+ He also built a front yard swing!

4th of July Weekend

+ We swam (a lot).

Backyard chillin. ☀️
Annual 4th of July swim with the Weidners!

+ The support of my dad was pretty spectacular.

Benefit for my dad is happening this weekend in Memphis!  ❤️ {thanks @hstrauss81 for the photo}. For anyone who can't make it, but wants to donate I set up a Go Fund Me for him and the link is in my profile.
Go Fund Me for my Dad

+ We went VIRAL thanks to Iris’ CVS birthday party.

CVS Birthday Party

+ On Halloween, Iris dressed up as Iris Apfel.

Halloween Instagram

+ And someone else dressed up as IRIS GILL!

Halloween Instagram

+ Iris had her first dance recital.

Look at the cuteness that just landed in my inbox! Iris' very first ballet recital photos.

+ We ate a lot of donuts.


+ We hung out with new friends.

I met @tenadev through Instagram several weeks back. She recently moved to town from Philadelphia and has a couple of kids around Iris' age. After a little messaging about having a playdate we realized that not only are we now neighbors, but we grew up in

+ And with old ones.

Our KC crew.


+ Todd stayed busy running two companies (if you are in NWA and are looking to buy/sell real estate – Flyer Homes is where it’s at).

I ❤️ @flyerhomes signs.

+ Let’s not forget that this year, Iris got bangs.


+ AND fed a goat.

Oh my heart. ❤️

… See how can I complain? What a year.

Christmas & Memphis

Things were pretty hectic leading up to Christmas, but it was all well worth it. We celebrated Todd’s birthday on the 23rd, had Christmas with both sides of our family, and then Iris and I went with my mom to Memphis for the last couple of days. Now I’m home and, as Iris would say, I just want to get myself settled. Here are a few photos from the last week.


This was our third year in a row to host at our home. While it was a little smaller this year, it was special and sweet. Among many other things, Iris got her big-girl bike with training wheels, about a million Shopkins, and of course a chocolate bunny. I’ll share what I got a little later!

Christmas 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas & Memphis

Roadtrip to Memphis

Iris and I jumped in the car with my mom for a last-minute road trip to my hometown of Memphis. It was a short visit, but we got to see lots of friends and family that I miss so much. We ate food from some of the restaurants I miss most and even explored the pyramid downtown (Iris calls it a “pyra-mint”), which was recently turned into a huge Bass Pro Shop. It was… interesting! We also tried Airbnb for the very first time. While there were definitely a few quirks that wouldn’t happen with a hotel, overall we had a great experience and would totally do it again.

Memphis December 2015

Memphis December 2015

Memphis December 2015

Memphis December 2015

Memphis December 2015

Memphis December 2015

Christmas & Memphis

Christmas & Memphis

Christmas & Memphis

Christmas & Memphis

Christmas & Memphis

Christmas & Memphis

Hope your holidays were just as swell!

Christmas 2015

Under the Tree 2015

We’re ten days into December and I haven’t even come close to finishing my Christmas shopping yet. Thankfully, there’s still time left order the rest of my gifts, but the clock is a ticking. Just in case you’re in the same boat as me, I’ve made a little list of some of my favorite things this year for Iris.

Blind Bags
As you may have read, Iris is super into “surprise egg” or “blind bag” videos on YouTube (apparently most toddlers are these days). So I thought it would be fun to make her very own box of surprise goodies to unwrap! For the past couple of months, every time I go to the store I pick up some of the surprise toys. At $3 to $5 a pop, these little suckers add up, so it was nice to spread it out over time. Maybe she’ll get inspired and even want to record her own unwrapping show.

Comfy Critters
We were recently gifted a Comfy Critters gift basket, which included popcorn, cozy socks for me, and a unicorn Comfy Critter for Iris. If there’s one thing Iris has inherited from me it’s definitively a love for being cozy. Comfy Critters is a huggable stuffed animal that is also a pillow and snuggable hooded blanket. Ever since Iris adopted “Unity the Unicorn,” it’s been wrapped around her. One of the best things about it is that if you purchase a Comfy Critter in the month of Decemeber, another Comfy Critter will be donated to the Atlanta’s Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital (just use code BUY1GIVE1 at checkout)!

I feel like these toys are probably some elaborate corporate ploy to embed consumerism in my child’s head from an early age, but alas… I buy them anyway. Besides a chocolate bunny, this is the number one thing on Iris’ Christmas list. And no, you will not find a chocolate bunny on this list because I’d be willing to bet Iris is the only child asking for one YET AGAIN this year. Thank goodness I thought ahead and tucked one away at Easter.

Freshly Picked – The Next Step
As mentioned a couple posts back, Freshly Picked is one of my most favorite shoe companies for littles. When they read that I was sad about Iris nearly outgrowing the moccasins, they treated her to a pair of hard-soled shoes. As cute as the moccasins and tough enough for a four-year-old, I think I love these as much as she does.

Beginner’s bicycle
Sshhhh! Iris is getting her very first bicycle for her BIG Christmas present this year! We haven’t decided on a brand or style yet, but I’m totally in love with the ones from Brilliant Bicycle Co. Now I want one too (seriously, their adult ones are just as awesome).

Alice In Wonderland goodies
Iris has loved the original Alice in Wonderland movie for a couple of years now and it’s been a struggle finding toys to go along with her love. I don’t know if it’s because Alice is one of the few girl Disney characters that isn’t princess or what, but I’m just excited that a few companies have recently created this cuteness that’s now under our tree.

Slip-on Vans

Rifle Paper Co. calendar I purchased locally from Shindig Paperie

Shirts for a cause
What better way to dress your little one than in a shirt that supports a good cause? Here are two of our favorites:

For those of you who don’t know, Art Feeds is a not-for-profit organization that exists to feed creative development and facilitate emotional expression in children nationwide. With every item you purchase, you are helping us reach more children with therapeutic art and creative education programs. Check out their shop (and their cute models) here. :)

Lighthouse For Hope is an organization that helps provide financial assistance for families that are fighting pediatric cancer. Their goal is to alleviate some of the financial stress by providing assistance for day-to-day expenses. The proceeds from the shirts will go towards gas cards, groceries, and clothes. By purchasing a shirt, you are helping families who have a child with cancer. Shop their sweet stuff here.

Did I miss any must-haves? Let me know, as clearly I still have some shopping to do…