Last weekend we had an unbelievably beautiful, warm day – in early February, mind you. I’m talking 80 degrees and sunny. I’ve had a cold for nearly two weeks now, but I made myself get out of bed and enjoy at least a little bit of the day. The light was so perfect (almost as good as that late-summer sun), so we snapped a few photos.
Iris was recently gifted her dress from one of my all-time favorite children’s lines, Pink Chicken. I first discovered the brand when she was just six-months-old. I went to a local boutique to pick out outfit for our very first family photoshoot and fell in love with this little number:

amazingly adorable photo by Benfield Photography
Now on to our photos from the other day!

Since I actually got dressed that day, I jumped in for a couple shots (I bought my dress from Anthropologie & Pons shoes by Avarcas USA):

…May your days be as sunny and bright!