Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Pregnancy Blog: 34 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 34 weeks

With a long weekend and the weather finally shifting to fall, this week has treated me alright. There’s really not much to update except that college football season is finally here! It’s kind of weird not have a beer in hand while watching the game, but I’ll live. Of course I don’t know how it will work out, but I’m pretty pumped that Iris is due during the one week that the Razorbacks have off. It’s just known around these parts that you don’t schedule anything for game days. Seriously. If you live in Fayetteville, you plan weddings, baby showers, and everything else around the football schedule. And now, it appears I’ve planned my baby by that rule too.

Not surprisingly, sleep is the roughest thing for me at 34 weeks. I’m always uncomfortable and of course I’m waking up every two hours to pee or to stretch my legs. During the day I feel Iris’ super strong movements. The cute little kicks have turned into me saying “ouch” more often than not. She also gets the hiccups every day, but thankfully those haven’t lost their charm just yet.

More than anything, I can’t believe how fast the time has flown by. Now that we’re in September, I can officially say that next month – I’ll have a baby.
And a beer.

Pregnancy Blog: 33 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 33 weeks

I got so exited about the nursery post that I almost forgot to do this week’s update!

Here at 33 weeks I’m to the point where when someone asks me how I’m feeling, my response it completely different than how it’s been the past 32 weeks. Long gone are the days when I was upbeat and chipper responding, “I feel great!” Now I just start to rattle off the list of “my back hurts, I can’t breath, my feet are swollen, stairs are the devil, I don’t sleep, and I can’t imagine how I’m supposed to get any bigger.” To top it all off, I’ve come down with my second cold of the year. Now I REALLY can’t breath.

Okay – enough complaining! This week was still a good, busy one despite the pregnancy woes settling in. I spent much of the week in Nashville for my very last work trip before Iris arrives. Surprisingly, 9 hours in the car (each way mind you) wasn’t bad at all. I was a tad nervous about being away from home in case anything happened early, but after approval from my doctor, we hit the road. Everything went smoothly and we even got to stop in my hometown of Memphis for some BBQ and a tour of Graceland. Not a shabby way to spend a work day!

Besides the travel approval, the doctor’s appointment was easy breezy. I’m pretty sure it was the quickest appointment in the history of pregnant ladies. I was in and out the door in 15 minutes (usually the wait alone is an hour). My weekly visits will start soon, so that’s another sign that we’re getting closer…

A few pictures from Memphis & Nashville






And one more of Iris & me this week!

Pregnancy Blog: 33 weeks

Baby Blog: The Nursery

With about six more weeks to go, the nursery is done! Well, about as done as it’s going to be. I’m sure there are little things here and there that we’ll need, but it feels good to have the basics taken care of.

So here’s a little tour of our nursery, with my notes along the way…

● The room before. For a few years it was my Bittersweet Styles office (which I wisely painted light pink back in the day), but as you can see, its last purpose was to house all of our junk. It was bad. Really bad.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● But with a lot of organizing, some construction on the ceiling, and a little paint, we started the transformation to a nursery…

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Tah-dah! Here she is…

● Vintage floral rocking arm-chair found on Craigslist.
● Vintage fabric pennants made by Kerri.
● I decided to forgo the traditional bedding. I actually have a matching set, but have it neatly packed away for when she’s older. I like the simplicity of it how it is now, plus infants aren’t supposed to sleep with anything but a flat sheet at first anyway.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● The three big pieces of nursery furniture are from Todd’s dad & step mom. It’s a ‘lifetime set’, so the crib turns into a toddler bed and then a full size bed, while the changing station dresser turns into a desk and bedside table. So thankful to have something so nice that Iris can use as she grows.
● Our wedding invitation is framed and hung over the tall dresser.
● Stuffed vintage Razorback for good measure.
● Pink & white poms I made from tissue paper.
● A bassinet that we’ll actually keep in our bedroom at first.
● Pink vintage lamp that once belonged to Todd’s mom.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● Gifts from friends & family in the dresser cubbies.
● The stack of blankets are all handmade. They’re so special that I’m working on a separate blog post just for them.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Changing station…
● The vintage cats are actually a night light that also belonged to Todd’s mom.
● We’re using the vintage Iris/Tennessee bowl that Erin gave us to hold all the booty cleaning supplies.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

The crib…
● Filled with cuddly friends for now.
Yes, that is a llama.
And a Blabla bunny.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● Framed baby shower art from Jill, who designed the invitations.
● Diaper bag from Mini Boden & a couple favorite dresses.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Shelf treasures…
● Framed Skateland photo from my mom. I used to roller skate there in Memphis growing up & it has since burned down.
● Paper flowers made by me.
● Vintage Fisher Price toy found in Mississippi by Kerri.
● Vintage doll case I’ve had forever.
● The tiniest (and cutest) Hog hat ever.
● Little lambs I found in Berryville, Arkansas. As I bought them, I was asked for the first time when I was due.
● House made by Tim. The story is here.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Now for some of Iris’ loot…

● The best books from the best friends.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● Her heap of clothes (I should do a whole separate post on all of the adorable outfits she received at the shower). There’s one whole drawer dedicated to onesies. One dedicated to pajamas. One dedicated to outfits. And a closet just for dresses. My favorite part about these photos is that Todd is actually the one that did the baby laundry & arranged all of the drawers. Hee!

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● Burp cloths & blankets.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● Bath drawer.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● Bibs, socks, hats, & bows.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● Storage bin/hamper.

Baby Blog: The Nursery

● More shower gifts (!!!)
Baby Blog: The Nursery

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Sweet Sadie Pup decided to try out the nursery and see how she likes it.
Thankfully, it’s pup approved.
Now all we need is a real baby!

Baby Blog: The Nursery

Pregnancy Blog: 32 weeks & the baby shower!

Baby Shower!

I’m a little late on getting this week’s post up, but that’s because I’m sitting here typing this from a hotel in downtown Nashville. It’s my last work trip before the baby arrives and now at 33 weeks, I’m moving a little slow.

Despite the swollen feet and aching back, week 32 was the best yet! With my baby shower this past Saturday, my week was full of friends, food, and prizes for Iris. More than anything, I just loved having so many of my favorite people around, especially those who live out of town that I rarely get to see. I am beyond thankful for all of my eight (eight!) shower hosts and all that they did. It was truly a day that I will remember forever. And oh my goodness can I just talk for a minute about the baby loot we received? It took me forever to open up all of those goodies! So long that I actually started to feel bad for the guests. Hah. We are so grateful for everything we received.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Once we get completely organized I’ll do a feature on the nursery, which I’m sure will include lots of the gifts. For now though, here are some photos from the weekend (with more to come later, from Erin, who thankfully also took pictures while I was busy cracking open presents and talking to everyone).

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

My mom

Baby Shower!


Baby Shower!

My niece, Mariam

Baby Shower!


Baby Shower!

GL & me

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Jessica & Brains

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!


Baby Shower!


Baby Shower!

Kerri & Brandy

Baby Shower!

GL & Milton

Baby Shower!

Ashlee, Jill, & Jessica

Baby Shower!

Brains & Lacy

Baby Shower!


Baby Shower!

After the shower…
Todd’s dad & my nephew Cole

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

Dinner with Memphis pals

Baby Shower!

Baby Shower!

A few Instagram pics from myself & friends…

Baby shower!

Baby shower!

Baby shower!

Baby shower!

Baby shower!

Baby shower!

Baby shower!

Baby shower!

Smores wontons by Erin

Baby shower!

Just a few of the gifts

Baby shower!

Baby shower!

Baby shower!

What a magical weekend! Now I can’t wait to get home and set everything up. Thanks again to everyone who has helped make this baby journey extra awesome.


Pregnancy Blog: 31 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 31 weeks

These blogs are kind of funny because by the time I write them, the week that I’m writing about is almost over. So that means as of today, I have around two more months left of this growing a baby thing.

That’s only eight more Saturdays of not having a baby, ya’ll.
And that’s if she doesn’t come early.

During our 31st week, Todd and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary. I honestly can’t believe it’s been that long. Last year we jetted off to Vegas for the weekend to celebrate, knowing (hoping) that it might be our last summer without a baby. Smart thinkin. This year we kept it simple by grilling steaks and watching football. It may sound like Todd chose our itinerary, but nope. It was me. I’m counting down to fall for more than one reason, and one of those reasons is that I’m going through major football withdrawal.

Every year we try to remember to pull down the airbrushed backdrop that we used at our wedding and take pictures of us as the years go on. This year I especially didn’t want to miss that tradition.

From our wedding…

On our second anniversary…

2nd Anniversary / 2009

This year…

Pregnancy Blog: 31 weeks

This week was also all about preparing ourselves as parents for Miss Iris (well, as much as you can anyway). Todd and I did a Labor & Delivery class during the week, which included a tour of the delivery area of our hospital. Then, we spent our Saturday learning about baby basics, which wasn’t really that necessary but it certainly didn’t hurt. Except for when they passed around the poo chart. That was gross. I was mostly there for the afternoon (FOUR hour) session that was all about breast feeding. Don’t worry, I let Todd go home for that one. I’ve always planned on going the breastfeeding route, but was completely clueless about the process before this class. If anything, I’ll feel more confident about it going in.

Other happenings this week…

Todd got crafty & made Razorback onesies

Pregnancy Blog: 31 weeks

Our “baby” from our class

Pregnancy Blog: 31 weeks

My mom made us dinner.
Shrimp & grits, rosemary lemonade, & chocolate pie from scratch.
I want more… now.

Pregnancy Blog: 31 weeks

Taylor had her baby!
I got to meet Mr. Seger Monroe Sutton today. So handsome.
Now it looks like I’m up next, followed by GL. We can do this!

Taylor had her baby!

* * * * *

This upcoming weekend is my baby shower and I couldn’t be more excited. More than anything I just can’t wait to see everyone, especially my pals who are coming in from out of town. So yeah, next week’s post should be a fun one!

Pregnancy Blog: 31 weeks