Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Pregnancy Blog: 25 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 25 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 25 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 25 weeks

So I’ve got 25 out of 40 weeks under my belt. Quite literally.

With the 3rd trimester right around the corner, I feel like we’re finally getting somewhere! This week in particular has been monumental for several reasons…

● As of today, the fourth of July, there are 100 days left until my due date. Typed out that seems like a long time, but time really does seem to be flying by. I’ve never wished a summer away so fast in my life.

● Iris’ nursery furniture has been ordered and should be here in a week or two. We were fortunate to get a ‘lifetime’ set, so it transitions from nursery, to toddler, to teen furniture. Setting that up will mean that we can put everything else in place and turn it into a real baby room.

● We received a few sweet gifts from Jen, including an adorable dress, the tiniest bracelet in the world, and a Medela pump (which I’m sure any nursing, working mama will know this is something to be excited about).

● I went to my last monthly pre-natal visit. From now until the last month I’ll be going about every two weeks. That means we’re getting closer, folks! This past visit was a basic one, but everything looked good – normal blood pressure, measuring right on track, healthy heartbeat, etc. The only thing that stressed me out a bit was the amount of weight I’ve gained in the last four weeks (TEN pounds!). The doctor didn’t seem concerned at all, but considering I’ve got a little over 3 months to go, uh, I’m a bit worried.

● Last but not least, we went to Stork Vision Tulsa to see Iris Adella in 3D/4D! She was being stubborn at first, turning her back towards us and putting her hands in front of her face, but the ultrasound tech was very patient and very sweet. After taking some sips of coke and blasting My Morning Jacket from Todd’s iPhone to my belly (see, I’m a great mother already), she finally woke up and showed us her pretty face. It was incredible to see her move around as I felt her kicks. She waved her tiny fingers and even smiled a couple times. A few of the 80 photos we got are below, plus a video of her fancy hand action. Check her out…

Iris Adella - 3D Ultrasound

Iris Adella - 3D Ultrasound

Iris Adella - 3D Ultrasound

Iris Adella - 3D Ultrasound

Pregnancy Craving: Mixing Vintage with New

Even though I love the thrill of collecting one-of-a-kind vintage baby treats, I’m constantly looking at new things too. At least once I week I go to Target to just stare at their baby clothes. And don’t even get me started on Etsy… The fact that we’re having a girl makes the situation quite dangerous. But despite last month’s Baby Wish List: Girl Pretties post, I’ve been REALLY good about not going overboard so that we can prepare with what we really need.

But that doesn’t mean a mama can’t look.
Here are a few of my online and local baby favorites…

Vintage Fabric Pennants (via Tina Magee Sews on Etsy)


Itty Bitty Newborn Felt Headband Set (via Lou and Lee on Etsy)

Cute Baby Tinies

Every Day art for the nursery (via Riff Raff in Fayetteville)

Cute Baby Tinies

Pretty Bird Plush (via Lori Marie Pretty Little Things)

Cute Baby Tinies

Mustache Baby Bibs (via The Mustache Goods & Wears in Fayetteville)


Ladybug Striped Dress (via Gilt Groupe)

Cute Baby Tinies

Shi Shu Bamboo Baby Blanket (via Gilt Groupe)

Cute Baby Tinies

Aden & Anais Swaddle Cloths (via Terra Tots in Fayetteville)

Cute Baby Tinies

Vintage Yellow Dress (via 3 Ring Circus on Etsy)

Cute Baby Tinies

Hand Dyed Baby Burp Cloths (via Hepstyles on Etsy)

Cute Baby Tinies

I still love my thrift shop & flea market finds too.

I’ve been snatching up little vintage outfits whenever I can, and at a couple bucks a pop, it allows me to fulfill my shopping craving without breaking the piggy bank. I’ve added a few more pieces to my vintage baby clothes collection and here are my recent favorites…

Cute Baby Tinies

A vintage onesie I gave to Taylor for her sweet boy.

Cute Baby Tinies

Cute Baby Tinies

The picture doesn’t do it justice, but I love this all white, cotton dress from Amanda!

Cute Baby Tinies

Cute Baby Tinies

Cute Baby Tinies

Cute Baby Tinies

Cute Baby Tinies

Cute Baby Tinies

Cute Baby Tinies

My 25 week post is coming soon…
I’m excited about this week, so stay tuned!

Pregnancy Blog: 24 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 24 weeks

Ah, 24 weeks.

This is about the time where I start to regret committing to a photo of me every week. While I’m excited that baby Iris is growing strong, I can’t say the same for my backside and, well, everywhere else.

At least this week of pregnancy has been a productive one. Thanks to Todd’s hard work, the nursery ceiling is completed and the walls are painted. We actually left the room the same color as before, conveniently pink, but it needed some major touch ups and the trim color had to go. While Todd did the hard labor, I started the dreaded daycare search. I’ve always known that I would go back to work full time after having a baby, so this has been something I’ve worried about for a while. Handing over Iris every weekday will be terribly hard, plus the cost of care is literally like paying another mortgage every month.

We’re hoping to hold off on daycare until January, but I’ve heard it’s best to start the search early due to waiting lists and such. After researching online and making a ton of phone calls, my mom and I toured a few of them this week. So far my favorite daycare is one that’s only .3 miles (about a 45 second drive) from my office. Yes, I timed it. If we decide to go with this one, I’m sure there will be some comfort in knowing that she’s so close.

So yes, this week has been busy, but I managed to squeeze in some pregnant lady fun too. For one, GL found out that she’s having a GIRL! She’s only a month behind me, so I’m excited to know that Iris will have an instant best friend. Also, our friend Taylor had her baby shower this weekend. She’s having a boy this August, so it looks like Iris will have a built in boyfriend too!

A few pictures from the shower…

Taylor's Baby Shower

Taylor's Baby Shower

Taylor's Baby Shower

Taylor's Baby Shower

Taylor's Baby Shower

Taylor's Baby Shower

Taylor's Baby Shower

GL, Taylor, & me
Taylor's Baby Shower


Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

It’s hot.
And I’m pregnant.

Summer is here and I’ve spent this week laying low and staying cool. It’s been a pretty uneventful week pregnancy-wise, which I suppose is nice.

Here’s what we’ve been up to:

+ We have a brand new roof on our house (thanks to our amazing friends)!
+ Todd and I have started working on getting the nursery ready. It’s almost time for the fun part – decorating!
+ Iris has been kicking and punching me quite a bit lately. I love it. Keep it coming, lady.
+ I’ve been putting headphones on my belly now that her ears are supposed to be almost fully formed. I swear she dances in there.
+ I’ve started looking into daycare (insert sad face here). This is one of the biggest things I dread. Not only is it incredibly expensive, but I already don’t want to hand off my baby to a stranger everyday. I know that I have to go back to work full time, but I’m hoping we won’t have to use daycare until at least January. There is an option about one minute away from my office that I’ve looked into and I’m hoping to take a tour this week.
+ Today is Todd’s first sort of Father’s Day (even though he doesn’t think it counts). My mom brought him back some fancy steaks from Kansas City, so we’re spending the evening grilling in our backyard. In fact, I’ve got some potatoes and strawberry shortcake to make.

See you next week, if not before!

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks

Week 22 has been a damn good week. I’m not quite at that miserable stage yet, so I feel good, but also a couple of my very dear friends came to visit from Memphis. We ate tasty Thai, went to the Farmers’ Market, devoured breakfast at the Little Bread Company and Common Grounds, hit up some vintage sales, drooled in baby stores, got pedicures, had a nice dinner at Greenhouse Grille, and just lounged around talking all things baby.

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks

I really miss living in the same town as these girls.
I can’t believe this was nearly 10 years ago…

BFFs at Putt Putt

Hot Babes

And now look at us – we’re all moms (well, I am almost) and still hot babes!

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks

Plus this week Todd and I visited his sister and her little fam in Harrison. We hung out with our nephew, Cole, for the first time since he was in the hospital. He’s so laid back & so adorable – I just can’t wait for Iris to meet him.


Lastly, this week Todd and I started the baby registry thing. We spent Sunday afternoon carefully going through each aisle at Target – my goodness there are lots of little things you supposedly need! Todd and I made our best guesses at what we really need (okay an maybe a few things we want to) and finally, we have our Target registry all set up!

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks

Now bring it on, Week 23! I can take you.

Pregnancy Blog: 22 weeks