Another week of madness. And by madness, I mean total awesomeness. Saturday I got off work at the very last minute, so Todd & I were able to drive up to Kansas City to attend Seth & Aaron’s party (which was to celebrate that they’ve been friends for 20 years). It was a total blast, especially since other Fayetteville friends came up as well.
Before the party the ladies took a trip to the grocery store, but got side tracked at Urban Outfitters.
Bev, Laura, & I

Snake Island in full effect

Sunday morning we all met up for lunch at this place called the Flea Market. It’s an actual flea market, but is also a bar/restuarant. Apparently legend has it that a serial killer use to have a booth there and he sold weird bone jewelry. Amazing.

As for the rest of the week, I really only need to talk about one day and that’s my birthday. I turned a quarter of a century old this year, but it was seriously the best birthday ever. It all started a couple days before my birthday when I received a couple early presents. One from Kerri (a gift certifcate that I used to buy some new fancy blue jeans) and one from Todd (an Arkasas hoodie I’ve been wanting).
On my actual birthday I was delivered a vase full of flowers thanks to my dear Brandy & her fam.

That night Todd & I had reservations for dinner. Before hand he gave me Sims 2, which by the way is amazingly addictive. Anyways, he wouldn’t tell me where we were going, but he said it was pretty casual. I didn’t understand why you needed reservations for a casual place, but you never know.. Next thing I know he had made a wrong turn and it seemed like we were going to be late for our 7:30 reservation. Todd takes little side roads that I assume are short cuts, but before I knew it we were stopped in front of Laura & Eric’s house.
What? Laura is cooking us dinner? How incredibly sweet!
We go inside where Laura meets me with a hug & I am still a bit confused.
THEN I round the corner…
where I find a room full of friends yelling surprise!
I literally could not believe it. Everything was amazing… We had fajitas, wine, presents, & even my favorite birthday cake of all time (strawberry). Thank you to everyone who helped out with the party and to everyone who left me birthday messages. I wasn’t able to respond to them all, but each one means a lot. And a very special thanks to Laura for hosting an event that I will never forget!

Birthday loot!