I went to my very first Razorback football game on Saturday! We bought tickets at the very last minute but somehow ended up on the third row from the field. Todd and I had to walk to the stadium as soon as I got off work, so I didn’t have time to change out of my black shirt and gold dangly earrings. I was kinda disappointed that I didn’t plan ahead and wear a red shirt like every other person in the stands. However, I was ultra disappointed to see that when we got to our seats and looked out in the field that the rivalry team’s colors are, of course, BLACK and GOLD. Boo.
Hog wild:

Walked past a baton twirling show at the pep rally the night before:

My new friend Jessica who just moved here from Milwaukee.

BB at a party last night

Walking and picturing.

Then there’s me.

Now it’s Sunday… my one day off of school and work. School by the way is going great. It’s already a lot of work, but most of my classes are at least interesting. Oh and in other news, my mom and step-dad just bought a house in Memphis (they’ve decided to leave DC). It’s a big, yet cozy, old house over by Rhodes, but the best part is that it comes w/ a hot tub inside a screened-in porch. All in all I’m just excited to have my mom in my home town again.