With yesterday all to myself and the beaming success of this week’s auctions, I was inspired to go off in search of more money making goodies. I spent almost an hour mapquesting different little towns around Fayetteville, only to leave the pages sitting right there in the printer tray. That was fine, I was exploring anyways. I tore through Berryville (home to my favorite store in the entire world), ventured over to Eureka Springs, and then had one last stop in good ole Green Forest.
On the drive home I pulled over at what looked like a yard sale. There was nothing around except a dilapidated trailer home, a couple of red barns (one with “Hill Billy Traders” painted on the side), and a heap of clothes hanging all around. I was the only person there till Hill Billy himself walked out of his doorless & broken window home. With no shirt on, his belly hanging over his cut off jean shorts, and a cigerette dangling from his lips, he insisted on showing me around his so called store. That was the point when I was sure that I would die. Little me, in the middle of no where Arkansas, with a guy that looked like he had murdered at least 3 people in his lifetime. It was too awkward to just run, so I browsed around for a few minutes. Hell, I ended up finding a really precious dress & yet another unicorn shirt. Three dollars later, I hurried to my car while constantly looking over my shoulder.
I did it. I survived the road trip by my lonesome, made it home with bags of vintage clothes & cowboy boots, and didn’t even get lost along the way.

“i love it when you can buy the bathroom mirror”