Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Posts Tagged: 16 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 17 weeks (16 weeks, actually)

Today I’m 17 weeks pregnant… I think.

17 Weeks

I’ve started wondering if there’s a chance that when I see my doctor next week she’ll just say I’m having a big baby and that my due date/weekly progression hasn’t actually changed. While the ultrasound technician said to go by my new due date, I know my doctor could say something different at my next check-up. All in all it doesn’t really matter – most babies aren’t even born on their due date. Now that I’m pregnant though, each week seems like a HUGE milestone, so I really like counting them just right.

Another reason I’m thinking that my baby might be jumbo is because, well…
I was a chub. I weighed just over 10 pounds when I was born. Yowzers. Emphasis on the “ow.” And to top it all off, my mom gave birth to me completely naturally. She likes to remind me that she didn’t have so much as a Tylenol. Just to let everyone know, as grateful as I am, I will not be following in her footsteps.

My dad actually wrote about my birth experience for an old Memphis paper called the Dixie Flyer. For this, I am also grateful. It captures my debut in such a raw, sweet way. I hope one day I can do the same for my baby girl.

(click images for larger view)
My Birth Story (by my Dad)

My Birth Story (by my Dad)

Pregnancy Blog: IT’S A…





Today has been intense for sure. We’ve had so much rain that it actually started to flood the streets, yards, and even some buildings. So of course it’s a perfect day for an ultrasound! Todd and I went in for my second ultrasound this afternoon and even though it’s still early, the technician said she was “pretty darn sure” we’re having a little girl! Of course there’s always a chance that it could be wrong, but the little one was in perfect position for us to take a looksie. We’ll confirm at our next ultrasound appointment when I’m further along, but for now I can’t help but get excited about some PINK.

During the ultrasound she moved around like crazy, sucked her finger, kicked my insides, posed for some pictures, and kind of waved to us. I loved it. And yes, I cried. Boy or girl, I’m just so happy that so far everything looks great. I’m actually measuring further along than I thought by almost a whole week. My due date is now October 6, which just so happens to be… my birthday!

I’ll post a weekly update at some point, but now that I’m technically 16 weeks and 5 days I guess I’ll be missing my 16th week post! Works for me. That just means we’ll get to meet our little girl that much sooner!

mama gill <-heh!