This past month has gone by so incredibly fast… they all do.
In just a few days Iris will hit the nine month mark, meaning we’re oh-so-close to that big FIRST birthday. I seriously can’t believe how fast the time flies. On one hand I can’t wait till she starts walkin’ and talkin’, but on the other – I don’t want my baby to grow up. I love her little babbles, her clumsy reach, and her crab-like crawl. It will be exciting though when she can share her words, giving us all a glimpse back into our magical childhood view of the world. And of course it would be nice if she could stay up a wee bit later than seven pm each night.
With her eight month nearly up,
I wanted to share some recent tidbits…
● Iris started standing all on her own! She pulls herself up on anything and everything (including in the crib). She has taken a teeny tiny step here and there, but nothing major just yet. We all think she’ll be walking pretty soon though.

● She’s having a blast at Montessori (and mama feels great about leaving her there). They have an Instagram account, so it’s exciting when I get to see her face while I’m at work.

● We celebrated her first 4th of July with family.

● She likes to clap, wave, give kisses, and put her hand over her mouth to make silly sounds.

● She makes us laugh ALL the time. Definitely has her dad’s humor gene.

● She loves animals. But they don’t always love her.

● Todd had his first Father’s Day.

And here is more of our life over the last month in Instagram photos…