It’s Sunday, so that means it’s time for three things:
Take out from Slim Chicken’s
a Lifetime movie marathon
& a weekend recap blog post.
Friday night we took it easy and doggysat our friends’ dog, Bowsie. This crazy little creature is a Bichon and Pug mix that was rescued by Bryan and Jenny and is quite a looker (and licker).

Sadie had a blast with her slumber party pal, but was a bit confused about it all.

Saturday morning was pretty lazy, but by noon Todd and I were off to do some thrifting and to see some glass blowing in the country. Todd’s stepdad, Ed, runs Red Fern Glass, a hot glass studio where he makes gorgeous chandlers, sculptures, and more. He has an annual Glass Blow Out around this time every year and this one marked the 25th anniversary of Red Fern Glass. Of course the art is amazing, but so is his property.
Pretty drive

Thrifting adventure

I found a cute vintage knitting carrier for a buck!

Vintage summer sandals for 50 cents (in my size, which is rare).

Don’t put heavy on here!

This is one of my favorite thrift stores ever. Green Forest, Arkansas.

What a selection of name pins. Tammi, Mildred, Micky, Tonya, & more!

Headed to the Glass Blow Out…
The property is at the end of a long dirt road

Todd stopped to help two turtles cross the road.

Finally, we were there.

Little garden house

This use to be Todd’s grandfather’s truck

The actual studio

Best Chill Zone ever.

We headed back towards Fayetteville…

… where I then headed out with GL.
We met up with friends at Kingfish, where more than enough photos were taken (thanks to my camera being passed around).

We played a few rounds of Knockoff

I won!

After closing our tabs, GL and I decided we weren’t quite ready to call it a night.
We went across the street to the Walton Arts Center Rose Garden and snapped a few more pictures, taking full advantage of the camera’s self-timer.

Silly girls.

This reminded us of Stitch & Bitch, so of course we took even more pictures.

I don’t know why, but we saw a fresh bagel in the garden and it made us laugh.

Although we were pretty hungry, we didn’t eat it.
Instead, we each got a hot dog from the hot dog stand on Dickson.
Soooo good.

It got crowded quick. Some randos jumped in for a shot.

After stuffing our faces on the sidewalk, we headed home.

Now that my friends is what you call a weekend.