I’m a little late on getting this week’s post up, but that’s because I’m sitting here typing this from a hotel in downtown Nashville. It’s my last work trip before the baby arrives and now at 33 weeks, I’m moving a little slow.
Despite the swollen feet and aching back, week 32 was the best yet! With my baby shower this past Saturday, my week was full of friends, food, and prizes for Iris. More than anything, I just loved having so many of my favorite people around, especially those who live out of town that I rarely get to see. I am beyond thankful for all of my eight (eight!) shower hosts and all that they did. It was truly a day that I will remember forever. And oh my goodness can I just talk for a minute about the baby loot we received? It took me forever to open up all of those goodies! So long that I actually started to feel bad for the guests. Hah. We are so grateful for everything we received.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Once we get completely organized I’ll do a feature on the nursery, which I’m sure will include lots of the gifts. For now though, here are some photos from the weekend (with more to come later, from Erin, who thankfully also took pictures while I was busy cracking open presents and talking to everyone).

My mom


My niece, Mariam


GL & me

Jessica & Brains



Kerri & Brandy

GL & Milton

Ashlee, Jill, & Jessica

Brains & Lacy


After the shower…
Todd’s dad & my nephew Cole

Dinner with Memphis pals

A few Instagram pics from myself & friends…

Smores wontons by Erin

Just a few of the gifts

What a magical weekend! Now I can’t wait to get home and set everything up. Thanks again to everyone who has helped make this baby journey extra awesome.